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We consider two players facing identical discrete-time bandit problems with a safe and a risky arm. In any period, the risky arm yields either a success or a failure, and the first success reveals the risky arm to dominate the safe one. When payoffs are public information, the ensuing free-rider...
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We consider two players facing identical discrete-time bandit problems with a safe and a risky arm. In any period, the risky arm yields either a success or a failure, and the first success reveals the risky arm to dominate the safe one. When payoffs are public information, the ensuing free-rider...
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We report experiments designed to test between Nash equilibria that are stable and unstable under learning. The 'TASP … equilibrium under fictitious play like learning processes. We use two 4 x 4 games each with a unique mixed Nash equilibrium; one … is stable and one is unstable under learning. Both games are versions of Rock-Paper-Scissors with the addition of a …
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This paper develops a general framework to study how misinterpreting information impacts learning. We consider … sequential social learning and passive individual learning settings in which individuals observe signals and the actions of … been theoretically explored. It allows for a deeper understanding of how misspecification impacts learning, including …
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speed of social learning and the seller's incentives to establish reputations. When each buyer privately observes a bounded … subset of the seller's past actions, the speed of social learning is strictly positive but vanishes to zero as the seller …, the speed of learning is bounded from below and a patient seller can secure high returns from building reputations. My …
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Retailers may face uncertainty about the profitability of local markets, which provide opportunities for learning when … retail entry with uncertainty and learning (from others). Using novel data about fast food chains, I estimate the model with … firm beliefs about market profitability. The estimates confirm the presence of uncertainty and learning. Most importantly …
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the past. In this paper we analyze a broad class of such social learning processes, and study under what circumstances the …, then in some (but not all) environments there are learning rules for which the initial state has a lasting impact on future … behavior; and (3) more than two, then in all environments there is a learning rule for which the initial state has a lasting …
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This paper examines the learning dynamics of boundedly rational agents, who are asked to voluntarily contribute to a … striking differences between strategies played in the two games are confirmed by simulations, where the learning process is …
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learning process of purely and impurely altruistic agents and find that in both cases the contribution level converges towards … corresponds to findings from experiments on voluntary contribution to a public good. Crucial determinants of the learning process …
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Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über Ansatzpunkte und Möglichkeiten zur Integration von Lernprozessen in volkswirtschaftliche Fragestellungen. Es werden alternative Methoden vorgestellt, individuelle aber auch gesellschaftliche Lernenvorgänge in ökonomischen Modellen zu erfassen.
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