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optimal design of social networks like Facebook or Google+. We distinguish between unilateral and bilateral connections and … "babblers" or "friends", irrespective of whether the network is unilateral or bilateral, in equilibrium, targeted information …
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Since the seminal contribution of Jackson & Wolinsky 1996 [A Strategic Model of Social and Economic Networks, JET 71 …, 44-74] it has been widely acknowledged that the formation of social networks exhibits a general conflict between … results that relate situations of positive externalities with stable networks that cannot be 'too dense' in a well …
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and the implications for the structure of pairwise stable networks. First, different definitions of convexity (concavity … own links and strategic complements, a local uniqueness property of pairwise stable networks is derived. The results do …
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We present a new approach to the study of networks where the formation of links is driven by unilateral initiative of … generalization of the model in which intermittent states can make the evolution of connectivity slower. In this class of networks … to a class of networks not based on the rationale of linking probability between pair of nodes, but it is based on the …
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We consider a network game based on matching pennies with two types of agents, conformists and rebels. Conformists prefer to match the action taken by the majority of her neighbors while rebels like to match the minority. We investigate the simultaneous best response dynamic focusing on the...
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function of a network centrality measure. -- Cournot Markets ; Networks ; Nash Equilibrium ; Centrality Measures …
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are unlikely to emerge in a homogeneous population. The homophily index, a measure of segregation in networks with … a stochastic best response dynamic. Numerical simulations based on a variety of networks confirm that the approximate …
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optimal design of social networks like Facebook or Google. We distinguish between unilateral and bilateral connections and … "babblers" or "friends", irrespective of whether the network is unilateral or bilateral, in equilibrium, targeted information …
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Suppose markets and firms are connected in a bi-partite network, where firms can only supply to the markets they are connected to. Firms compete a la Cournot and decide how much to supply to each market they have a link with. We assume that markets have linear demand functions and firms have...
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A tragedy of the commons appears when the users of a common resource have incentives to exploit it more than the socially efficient level. We analyze the situation when the tragedy of the commons is embedded in a network of users and sources. Users play a game of extractions, where they decide...
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