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We incorporate adaptive learning-based inflation expectations in an Unobserved Components model in order to study the … link between inflation and the output gap. The forward-looking New Keynesian Phillips curve serves as the backbone for … modeling inflation dynamics. We find that learning based inflation forecasts not only shadow survey expectations in the pre …
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We consider a Keynes-Goodwin model of effective demand and the distributive cycle where workers purchase goods and houses with marginal propensity significantly larger than one. They therefore need credit, supplied from asset holders, and have to pay interest on their outstanding debt. In this...
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We analyze the economic consequences of forming a monetary union among countries with varying degrees of financial distortions, which interact with the firms' pricing decisions because of customer-market considerations. In response to a financial shock, firms in financially weak countries (the...
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during and following the recent Great Recession, and that models in which inflation depends on economic slack cannot explain … the recent muted behavior of inflation, given the sharp drop in output that occurred in 2008-09. In this paper, we use a … protracted decline in inflation. The model does so even though inflation remains very dependent on the evolution of both economic …
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during and following the recent Great Recession, and that models in which inflation depends on economic slack cannot explain … the recent muted behavior of inflation, given the sharp drop in output that occurred in 2008-09. In this paper, we use a … protracted decline in inflation. The model does so even though inflation remains very dependent on the evolution of both economic …
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chartalist, respectively), the rate of wage inflation depends on either unemployment or the wage-setting policies of the … inflation affects aggregate demand through its impact on the value of assets and debts. Bank rates depend on an endogenous …
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The recovery from the Global Financial Crisis was characterized by sluggish output growth and by inflation remaining … persistently below the inflation targets of central banks in many advanced economies despite an unprecedented monetary expansion …
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The recovery from the Global Financial Crisis was characterized by sluggish output growth and by inflation remaining … persistently below the inflation targets of central banks in many advanced economies despite an unprecedented monetary expansion …
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We argue that in an economy with downward nominal wage rigidity, the output gap is negative on average. Because it is more difficult to cut wages than to increase them, firms reduce employment more during downturns than they increase employment during expansions. This is demonstrated in a simple...
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We estimate the effects of monetary policy on price-setting behavior in administrative micro data underlying the German producer price index. We find a strong degree of monetary nonneutrality. After expansionary monetary policy, the mass of additional price adjustments is economically small and...
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