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This study estimates the firm-level employment effects of investment grants in Germany. In addition to the average … combine a staggered difference-in-differences approach that explicitly models variations in treatment timing with a matching … procedure at the cohort level. The findings reveal a positive effect of investment grants on employment development in the full …
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This study estimates the establishment-level employment effects of investment grants in Germany. In addition to the … on the magnitude of the effect. We apply a modification of Heckman’s matching and difference-in-differences approach to … consider time-varying treatment and different treatment durations. Our results suggest that investment grants positively impact …
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The paper estimates the plant level employment effects of investment subsidies in one of the most strongly subsidized … characteristics and the economic environment. Modifying the standard matching and difference-in-difference approach, we develop a new … absolute effects to the amount of the subsidy paid. The results suggest that investment subsidies have a positive influence on …
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in treatment timing with a ties matching at the cohort level. We observe a positive effect of investment grants on …This study estimates the establishment-level employment effects of investment grants in Germany. In addition to the …
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The paper presents a modification of the matching and difference-in-differences approach of Heckman et al. (1998) for …
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We propose and implement a new method to estimate treatment effects in settings where individuals need to be in a certain state (e.g. unemployment) to be eligible for a treatment, treatments may commence at different points in time, and the outcome of interest is realized after the individual...
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We propose and implement a new method to estimate treatment effects in settings where individuals need to be in a certain state (e.g. unemployment) to be eligible for a treatment, treatments may commence at different points in time, and the outcome of interest is realized after the individual...
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After the Global Financial Crisis a controversial rush to fiscal austerity followed in many countries. Yet research on the effects of austerity on macroeconomic aggregates was and still is unsettled, mired by the difficulty of identifying multipliers from observational data. This paper...
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