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Written for undergraduate and graduate students of finance, economics and business, the fourth edition of Financial Markets and Institutions provides a fresh analysis of the European financial system. Combining theory, data and policy, this successful textbook examines and explains financial...
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Natural disasters are an important source of vulnerability in the Caribbean region. Despite being one of the more disaster-prone areas of the world, it has the lowest levels of insurance coverage. This paper examines the vulnerability of Belize's public finance to the occurrence of hurricanes...
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Historical VaR, CVaR and ES (Expected Shortfall) to LIQUIDATION Software is a model characterized by its straightforwardness, allowing regulators measure risk using a standard database of primitive factors and portfolio positions only, leaving little error margin in comparing market risk for...
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A shared belief in the financial industry is that markets are driven by two types of regimes. Bull markets would be characterized by high returns and low volatility whereas bear markets would display low returns coupled with high volatility. Modeling the dynamics of different asset classes...
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VaR_Delta-Normal is derived from a Put option, named PVaR_Delta-Normal and Expected_Shortfall, PSF_Delta-Normal – the latter a coherent measure – guaranteeing VaR can never be larger than the fund value. Current standard VaR_Delta-Normal uses covariances calculated from the entire...
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Market dislocations and record-low interest rates have spawned interest in unconstrained bond funds amid investors' ongoing quest to boost income and protect capital. Despite its popularity, this non-traditional approach remains mired in complexity. Ironically, it also carries risks that may...
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Collectively, Americans are woefully unprepared financially for retirement. This retirement problem actually reflects a collection of diverse issues. This paper identifies the most important ones: longevity; access; contributions; portability; behavioral mistakes; funded status; expenses; and...
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InvestorLit is a subscription service providing reviews of institutional investment literature. The reviews cover a wide range of investment topics and are published on their website. Bruce Grantier, Founder of InvestorLit, is a member of the Brandes Institute Advisory Board. Members of the...
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VaR_Delta-Normal fails in two counts: subadditivity and potentially producing losses larger than its portfolio value. This paper solves the second inconsistency developing formulas derived from a put option, named PVaR_Delta-Normal and Put_Expected_Shortfall, PSF_Delta-Normal; the latter also...
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