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significant positive returns in India. The returns on the BAB factor dominate the returns on the size, value and momentum factors …
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This paper provides novel insights into the dynamic properties of variance and semivariance premia. Considering nine international stock market indices, we find consistent evidence of significantly negative total and downside (semi)variance premia of around -15 bps per month. These premia almost...
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We quantify the exposure of major financial markets to news shocks about global contagion risk accounting for local epidemic conditions. For a wide cross section of countries, we construct a novel data set comprising (i) announcements related to COVID19, and (ii) high-frequency data on epidemic...
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This paper studies the price discovery dynamics in an order-driven market. Based on the transaction data on individual stocks, the paper focuses on the study of the monthly evolution of normalized volatility ratios on Euronext Paris for the CAC40 stocks before and after the implementation of the...
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The episodes of stock market crises in Europe and the U.S.A. since the year 2000, and the fragility of the international stock markets, have sparked the interest of researchers in understanding and in modeling the markets’ rising volatilities in order to prevent against crises. Portfolio...
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The episodes of stock market crises in Europe and the U.S.A. since the year 2000, and the fragility of the New Technology sector after the explosion of the speculative bubble, have sparked the interest of researchers in understanding and in modeling this market’s high volatility to prevent...
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This study investigates the long-run relationships and short-run dynamic causal linkages between the stock exchange of Egypt and its counterparts in the Group of Seven (G7) countries, prior to and following the tragic events of September 2001, utilizing Johansen's cointegration and variance...
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We examine the performance of the expected convexity path of a stock market index using a novel measure of a tangent linear approach. The expected path is expressed as a linear combination that shows whether the transmission from the present value t to the future one (t k)-th is a convex or a...
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This study is conducted to understand and document the long as well as short-run equilibrium among important macroeconomic indicators and Equity markets (including Islamic and conventional) in post Shari'ah-screening era in Pakistan. We have included seven macroeconomic variables—inflation,...
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This study is conducted to understand and document the long as well as short-run equilibrium among important macroeconomic indicators and Equity markets (including Islamic and conventional) in post Shari'ah-screening era in Pakistan. We have included seven macroeconomic variables—inflation,...
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