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This paper develops an individual-based stochastic network SIR model for the empirical analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic. It derives moment conditions for the number of infected and active cases for single as well as multigroup epidemic models. These moment conditions are used to investigate...
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Social networks display homophily and clustering, and are usually sparse. I develop and estimate a structural model of strategic network formation with heterogeneous players and latent community structure, whose equilibrium networks are sparse and exhibit homophily and clustering. Each player...
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This paper develops a framework to structurally estimate pairwise stable networks with nonnegative externality. We characterize pairwise stable equilibria as a fixed point of a certain mapping and show that the set of pairwise stable equilibria with nonnegative externality is a complete lattice....
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We develop a model in which costly voting in a large two-party election is a sequentially rational choice of strategic, self-interested players who can reward fellow voters by forming stronger ties in a network formation coordination game. The predictions match a variety of stylized facts,...
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We analyze a model of price competition ά la Bertrand in a network environment. Firms only have a limited information on the structure of network: they know the number of potential customers they can attract and the degree distribution of customers. This incomplete information framework...
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This paper provides a systematic analysis of identification in linear social interactions models. This is both a theoretical and an econometric exercise as the analysis is linked to a rigorously delineated model of interdependent decisions. We develop an incomplete information game that...
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This paper provides a systematic analysis of identification in linear social interactions models. This is both a theoretical and an econometric exercise as the analysis is linked to a rigorously delineated model of interdependent decisions. We develop an incomplete information game that...
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This paper considers the optimal hedge ratio problem under estimation risk. Due to incomplete information, the decision-maker evaluates the opportunity cost of hedging using exchange-traded funds or notes (ETF/Ns). Using a back-testing procedure over the last five years and 13 different hedging...
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This paper analyzes the expected life-time utility and the hedging demands in an exchange only, representative agent general equilibrium under incomplete information. We derive an expression for the investor's expected life-time utility, and analyze his hedging demands for intertemporal changes...
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This paper studies the impact of collaboration on research output. First, we build a micro-founded model for scientific knowledge production, where collaboration between researchers is represented by a bipartite network. The equilibrium of the game incorporates both the complementarity effect...
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