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We examine how the adverse impacts of weather shocks are distributed through the trade network. Exploiting a rich …, theoretically derived, fixed effects structure, we find significant negative short-run effects of high temperature on exports. A … month with an average temperature above 30 °C implies export losses of around three percent. These effects are increasing in …
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We analyse optimal abatement and carbon pricing strategies under a variety of economic, temperature and damage risks …. Economic growth, convex damages and temperature-dependent risks of climatic tipping points lead to higher growth rates of … carbon prices, but gradual resolution of uncertainty lowers them. For temperature-dependent economic damage tipping points …
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We analyse optimal abatement and carbon pricing strategies under a variety of economic, temperature and damage risks …. Economic growth, convex damages and temperature-dependent risks of climatic tipping points lead to higher growth rates, but … gradual resolution of uncertainty lowers them. For temperature-dependent economic damage tipping points, carbon prices are …
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This paper is a revised version of: "" Analytic Climate Economy (ACE) closes a gap between analytic climate change assessments and quantitative numeric integrated assessment models (IAMs) used in policy advising. Its...
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Weather and temperatures vary in ways that are difficult to explain and predict precisely. In this article we review … data on temperature variations in the past as well possible reasons for these variations. Subsequently, we review key … temperatures. Finally, we update and extend previous statistical analysis of temperature data (Dagsvik et al., 2020). Using …
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framework addressed issues such as the use of temperature “anomalies”, diffusion of CO2 to atmospheric stations, distributional … temperatures from over 8,500 weather stations, and seawater composition from over 380,000 oceanographic stations were analyzed for … annual and seasonal temperatures compiled at weather stations, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were significantly …
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We examine how the adverse impacts of weather shocks are distributed through the trade network. Exploiting a rich …, theoretically derived, fixed effects structure, we find significant negative short-run effects of high temperature on exports. A … month with an average temperature above 30 °C implies export losses of around three percent. These effects are increasing in …
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temperature distribution (converting them into time series objects), instead of focusing solely on the mean, allows us to carry …
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Econometric studies for global heating have typically used regional or global temperature averages to study its long … memory properties. One typical explanation behind the long memory properties of temperature averages is cross …-sectional aggregation. Nonetheless, formal analysis regarding the effect that aggregation has on the long memory dynamics of temperature …
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simple precautionary savings analysis to more complex economic interactions and it builds the economic intuition for policy …
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