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This paper develops a neo-Kaleckian dynamical model that investigates how an increased financial instability affects the investment rate and the wage share of income in the long run. It is shown that a rising benchmark interest rate affects negatively the capital accumulation and the wage share...
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This paper derives explicitly an equity pricing relationship in a New Keynesian model. This relationship is used to study the equity pricing implications of New Keynesian models. I find that New Keynesian models suffer from the same asset pricing shortcomings as more traditional RBC versions....
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The paper presents a survey of the literature that has grown out of the work of Hyman Minsky and, in particular, of the main models which have mathematically formalized the cyclical dynamics of a capitalist economy implied by the Financial Fragility Hypothesis. We identify some of the issues...
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We propose a novel measure of risk perceptions: the price of volatile stocks (PVSt), defined as the book-to-market ratio of low-volatility stocks minus the book-to-market ratio of high-volatility stocks. PVSt is high when perceived risk directly measured from surveys and option prices is low....
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Empirical evidence demonstrates that credit standards, including lending margins and collateral requirements, move in a countercyclical direction. In this study, we construct a small open economy model with financial frictions to generate the countercyclical movement in credit standards. Our...
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This paper examines the dynamics of financial distress and in particular the mechanism of transmission of shocks from the financial sector to the real economy. The analysis is performed by representing the linkages between microeconomic financial variables and the aggregate performance of the...
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In this paper, the Post-Kaleckian approach on financialisation which argues that investment of Nonfinancial Corporations in real capital assets has been restricted by the rising dividend and interest payments due to shareholder pressure will be criticized based on a Minskyan understanding of...
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This paper discusses the financial sustainability of demand-led growth models. We assume a supermultiplier growth model in which household consumption is the autonomous component of demand that drives growth and discuss the financial sustainability of such dynamics of growth from the perspective...
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