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This study analyzes the variations in industrial structure induced by income-sensitive patterns of final consumption, and how these changes can be captured by a multi-sector numerical model with a flexible demand system. We focus, in particular, on the estimation of parameters for an AIDADS (An...
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We analyze a generalized neoclassical growth model that combines a normalized CES production function and possible asymmetries of savings out of factor incomes. This generalized model helps to shed new light on a recent debate concerning the impact of factor substitution and income distribution...
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Key economic concepts of saving and investment are defined and discussed in this paper. It is shown that the equation “saving=investment” is a fundamental fallacy of macroeconomics due to a confusion between real and financial variables, and also between stock and flow variables. Economic...
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The paper builds upon the Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent model presented in Caiani et al. (2015) to analyze the relationship between income and wealth inequality and economic development. For this sake, the original model has been amended under three main dimensions: first, the households...
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This paper extends the model of Aoki et al. (2009) considering a two sector small open economy. We study the interaction of borrowing, asset prices, and spillovers between tradable and non-tradable sectors. Our results suggest that when it is difficult to enforce debtors to repay their debt...
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We show that the interaction between political turnover and corruption significantly affects the inter-temporal optimization problems of governments by inducing a “corruption-temptation tax” in the Euler condition. Governments treat corruption in the same way that rational consumers treat a...
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The rate of time preference (RTP) and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution (IES) are two important factors shaping intertemporal consumption decisions. Models in which the RTP and/or the IES differ systematically between rich and poor households have different empirical and policy...
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A growing literature relies on natural experiments to establish causal effects in macroeconomics. In diverse applications, natural experiments have been used to verify underlying assumptions of conventional models, quantify specific model parameters, and identify mechanisms that have major...
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