Showing 1 - 10 of 145
Labor market studies on the effects of minimum wages are typically confined to the sector or worker group directly affected. We present a two-sector search model in which one sector is more productive than the other one and thus, pays higher wages. In such a framework, setting a minimum wage in...
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We propose and estimate a model where unemployment fluctuations result from self-fulfilling changes in expected inflation (sunspot shocks) affecting nominal wage bargaining. Since the estimated parameters fall near the locus of Hopf bifurcations, country-specific expected inflation shocks can...
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We study a search model with employment protection legislation. We show that if the output from the match is uncertain ex ante, there may exist a discriminatory equilibrium where workers with the same productive characteristics are subject to different hiring standards. If a bad match takes...
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We study a search model with employment protection legislation. We show that if the output from the match is uncertain ex ante, there may exist a discriminatory equilibrium where workers with the same productive characteristics are subject to different hiring standards. If a bad match takes...
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Wage determination under asymmetric information generates inefficiencies due to excess turnover. Severance pay and layoff taxes can improve efficiency. We show that inefficient separations can even be fully removed with fixed separation taxes in the case where the relevant private information is...
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In den letzten Jahren hat sowohl die Anzahl der Studien zu den gesamtwirtschaftlichen Wirkungen von Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen als auch die Zahl der vorhandenen Indikatoren zur Messung dieser Institutionen sehr stark zugenommen. Gut zehn Jahre nach Nickells (1997) maßgeblichem Beitrag über den...
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In diesem Aufsatz gehen wir der Frage nach, wie sich die Einführung eines Mindestlohns in einem 'Dominante-Firma-Modell' auswirken wird. Wir haben gezeigt, dass in einer arbeitsintensiven Industrie, die von einem Großunternehmen dominiert wird, die Einführung eines Mindestlohns kurzfristig zu...
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This paper studies the impact of an European-like labor market regulation on the return to schooling, equilibrium unemployment and welfare. We show that firing costs and temporary employment have opposite effects on educational choices. We furthermore demonstrate that a laissez faire economy...
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We study how firm-specific complementary assets and intellectual property rights affect the management of knowledge workers. The main results show when a firm will wish to sue workers that leave with innovative ideas, and the effects of complementary assets on wages and on worker initiative. We...
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This paper pursues three aims. First, we provide a review of current theoretical advances which pertain to the relationship between trade, FDI and labor markets. We do so under the following (not mutually exclusive) headings: (1) slicing-up the value added chain and the turn to a task-based...
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