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We provide an axiomatic framework for exchange markets with a willingness- to-pay/willingness-to-accept discrepancy. First, we obtain a two parameter family of market invariants under price-scaling representing the excess demand. One of the parameters can be identified as endowment. The other is...
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Why would social science need the help from quantum mechanics? First, there are many unanswerable questions in social science. Are financial markets predictable? How to predict the financial markets? These important questions are not answerable in the existing framework of finance or economics....
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We provide an axiomatic framework for exchange markets with a willingness-to-pay/willingness-to-accept discrepancy. First, we obtain a two parameter family of market invariants under price-scaling representing the excess demand. One of the parameters can be identified as endowment. The other is...
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In finance, decision making and choice requires that we assume that asset prices tend to trend. This assumption also logically enables us to construct exits to limit losses and protect capital. But investors have good reason to be uneasy regarding the potential for significant loss when using a...
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This paper characterizes the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a symmetric, pure exchange economy with two goods and N agents with uniformly distributed preferences and identical endowments. Relaxing the auctioneer assumption, but maintaining a global price rule, sequentially random pairwise...
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Many consumers care about climate change and other externalities associated with their purchases. We analyze the behavior and market effects of such "socially responsible consumers" in three parts. First, we develop a flexible theoretical framework to study competitive equilibria with rational...
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We extend the seminal model by Bergstrom, Blume and Varian (1986) on the private provision of public goods to contributions given by multiple private commodities. Taking into account the proportion of the value of the aggregate endowment donated to finance the public good, we present a notion of...
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Traditional portfolio optimization models specify placement of capital as rather irrevocably and fully at risk through investment horizon(s) or continuously. Under this constraint, asset class allocation typically serves as primary mode of diversification, pursuing risk moderation by seeking to...
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In a simple single commodity certainty setting with changing tastes, a consumer's consumption plan can be obtained using naive or sophisticated choice. Although in general these solutions diverge, they agree in the special case where the changing tastes are represented by discounted logarithmic...
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This essay is a response to five essays that collectively constituted a symposium sponsored by Studies in Emergent Order on my 2010 book, Mind, Society, and Human Action: Time and Knowledge in a Theory of Social Economy. This essay offers individual reactions to each of the five contributors...
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