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We evaluate the effects of structural tax reforms on government spending efficiency in a sample of OECD economies over … the period 2007-2016. After calculating input spending efficiency scores, we assess the relevance for efficiency of … narrative tax changes in a panel setup. We find that: i) input efficiency scores average around 0.6-07; ii) increases in the tax …
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This paper reviews the most recent empirical literature that assesses efficiency in higher education. We analyze 76 … researchers interested in measuring efficiency, for policy makers and for other educational stakeholders. …
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corrected efficiency score correlates well with standard Growth Theory indicators. …
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Since the introduction of bootstrap DEA there is a growing literature on applications which use this method, mainly for hypothesis testing. It is therefore important to establish the consistency and evaluate the performance of bootstrap DEA. The few Monte Carlo experiments in the literature...
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Bootstrapping non-parametric models is a fairly complicated exercise which is associated with implicit assumptions or requirements that are not always obvious to the non-expert user. Bootstrap DEA is a significant development of the past decade; however, some of its assumptions and properties are...
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We assess notably how do extreme events affect the public sector efficiency of decentralized governance. Hence, we … empirically link the public sector efficiency scores, to tax revenue and spending decentralization. First, we compute government … spending efficiency scores via data envelopment analysis. Second, relying on panel data and impulse response approaches, we …
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-affects efficiency and how firm size moderates this relationship. The mean efficiency scores by which the competitiveness output can be … optimized is 47.43%. The results suggest that the configuration of competitive pillars has important implications for efficiency … detrimental to efficiency. Also, a configuration of competitive pillars in which one or various competitive strengths prevail is …
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from the Mongolian Stock Exchange website. The companies are grouped by k-medoids clustering, and efficiency of each … compared by financial ratios. The mean efficiency score of big companies' is much higher than that of small and medium …-sized companies. Integrated results show that cluster-specific efficiency provides better performance than pre-clustering efficiency …
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pending question whether efficiency in the provision of public goods and services is affected by strategic behavior. I examine … how electoral cycles influence local government efficiency by using OLS fixed effects, event study, and instrumental … variable estimations in a large balanced panel of around 2,000 municipalities in the German state of Bavaria. Cost efficiency …
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Based on the seminal paper of Farrell (1957), researchers have developed several methods for measuring e fficiency. Nowadays, the most prominent representatives are nonparametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) and parametric stochastic frontier analysis (SFA), both introduced in the late 1970s....
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