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We present a methodology to estimate fixed cost parameters relevant to the decision to operate, mothballor retire an open-cycle gas turbine (OCGT) using a dynamic discrete choice model, based on fuel andelectricity prices, as well as technical data and the operational status of OCGTs in the PJM...
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The major contribution of this paper is ending a new and flexible way to measure the effects of selection on log-wages. In this context, we offer a general approach to performing decomposition analysis when selection effects are present. We call the difference between unconditional and...
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The major contribution of this paper is finding a new and general approach to decomposing log-wage differentials when selection effects are present. We divide the observed log-wage differentials between two groups into 1) differentials in predicted log-wages computed using observed individual...
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The objective of this paper is to extend the results on Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PML) theory derived in Gourieroux, Monfort, and Trognon (GMT) (1984) to a situation where the first four conditional moments are specified. Such an extension is relevant in light of pervasive evidence that...
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