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that the eight-year catch-up period allowed in this regulation gives strong incentives to reduce costs since the firms can …Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) based cost norms have attractive properties in the regulation of natural monopolies … to suboptimal incentives. When a regulated firm compares the marginal change in its cost norm with its marginal cost of …
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problem. The regulator has, therefore, initiated an extensive effort to try to incorporate supply quality in the regulation … gives the companies incentives to reveal private information about their true trade-offs. This can help the regulator …
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implications are higher the more heterogeneous the sector is. As an example, we use the Danish benchmarking regulation of the waste …
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other factors, such as the political agenda and the historical context of the regulation. This sometimes results in some … regulation of the Danish water sector. More specifically, we look at the characteristics of the method the regulator uses to take …
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investigate the incentives of a DEA based regulation when some of the demand dimensions, the cost drivers, can, in fact, be … controlled by the monopoly. In such cases, the classical DEA based regulation may lead to suboptimal incentives. Specifically, we … used to regulate Danish water firms. We show that the catch-up period allowed in this regulation gives strong incentives to …
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Since the introduction of bootstrap DEA there is a growing literature on applications which use this method, mainly for hypothesis testing. It is therefore important to establish the consistency and evaluate the performance of bootstrap DEA. The few Monte Carlo experiments in the literature...
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Bootstrapping non-parametric models is a fairly complicated exercise which is associated with implicit assumptions or requirements that are not always obvious to the non-expert user. Bootstrap DEA is a significant development of the past decade; however, some of its assumptions and properties are...
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The literature of productive efficiency analysis is divided into two main branches: the parametric Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) and nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). This paper attempts to combine the virtues of both approaches in a unified framework. We follow the SFA...
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It is now an accepted fact that the majority of financial markets worldwide are neither normal nor constant, and South Africa is no exception. One idea that can be used to understand such markets and has been gaining popularity recently is that of regimes and regime-switching models. In this...
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The performance of dynamic trading and investment strategies can be difficult to predict. Although not without its problems, analysis of the historical performance of a strategy can provide valuable insight into its general risk and return properties. Furthermore, historical analysis allows one...
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