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Due to the non-normality of stock returns, nonparametric rank tests are gaining accceptance relative to parametric tests in financial economics event studies. In rank tests, financial assets’ multiple day cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) are replaced by cumulated ranks. This paper proposes...
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In early 2019, the stock prices of the German company Wirecard AG experienced market turmoil after several critical reports on activities claimed to be illegal. To analyze the market impact of news, we use stock price data for Wirecard AG and apply the reversed news model. We elaborate on...
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This article re-examines the issue of cross-sectional correlation. Kolari and Pynnonen (2010) find that, in the case of event-date clustering with the same event window for all firms, relatively low cross-sectional correlation among abnormal returns can seriously bias standard tests to...
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The impact of the announcement of a takeover bid has been widely tested in foreign literature. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to research the impact of the announcement of a takeover bid on the share price movements in the Croatian capital market and whether the results are consistent...
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We investigate the effects of the monetary policy conduct on the domestic capital market for a sample of developed countries where the capital market plays a significant role in the economy. We break down the policy rate innovations in rules-based and discretionary components in order to...
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Macroeconomic news announcements are elaborate and multi-dimensional. We consider a framework in which jumps in asset prices around macroeconomic news and monetary policy announcements reflect both the response to observed surprises in headline numbers and latent factors, reflecting other...
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Tax minimization strategies may lead to significant tax savings, which could, in turn, increase firm value. However, such strategies are also associated with significant costs, such as expected penalties and planning, agency, and reputation costs. The overall impact of firms' tax minimization...
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When an event is anticipated, the firm's stock return around the announcement of the event may have an inconsistent sign: a positive sign around negative news, or vice versa. We attempt to quantify the frequency of this problem, first with a brief mathematical model and simulation, then with...
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Some of the largest listed firms in Western and Northern Europe are partly owned by foundations. So far, little research exists about the shareholder value effects of foundation ownership. This study aims to close this gap using an event study method. We find that equity markets show a positive...
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In this paper we use Heckman selection models to analyze the relation between the likelihood of the firm becoming a takeover target, the takeover premium, and the use of dual class shares. Ordinary Least Squares regressions suggest that the use of dual class shares is associated with higher...
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