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Systemic risk events constitute an important issue in current financial systems. A leading course of action used to mitigate such events is identification of systemically important agents in order to implement the prudential policies in a financial system. In this paper, a bi-level...
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We explore the implications of directors' networks for company valuation in a concentrated ownership environment and in pyramidal control structures. Using common centrality indexes on a sample of 727 directors serving in 105 Israeli listed firms, we show that the effect is very dependent on the...
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This paper examines the impacts of dividend policy and ownership structure on stock price volatility in the Vietnamese market. The study also tests for the moderating effect of foreign/state ownership on the dividend policy–price volatility relation. The authors use a comprehensive panel...
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Empirical evidence suggests that the voting premium in the Korean securities market is strongly related to the structure of corporate ownership. We find that the premium attached to voting stock is positively and significantly associated with the control value of a block of shares held by...
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Vital in preserving managerial accountability, the firmly established one share, one vote rule provides shareholders with limited rights to elect directors who appoint managers and to approve certain extraordinary transactions. Without the deterrents of risk of capital loss and fear of removal,...
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'One-share, one-vote,' a bedrock principle of Anglo-Saxon corporate governance, is back in the spotlight. Except this time, the aim is to diminish its application rather than to extend its global footprint.Hoping to stem the tide of short-termism in the financial markets, prominent commentators...
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These slides summarize the theoretical literature on horizontal common ownership concentration and its impact on competition, as presented at the FTC's hearings on common ownership and competition in December 2018. They are primarily based on this literature review:...
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Although the complex financial markets more often lead to more social welfare in modern economic systems, they can also cause more severe failures in the case of market downturns. Accordingly, Similar to other complex systems, financial markets are also exposed to systemic risks. Considering the...
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A change in the index selection rules of Deutsche Börse provides a unique opportunity to investigate the drivers behind the decision to a bolish dual-class shares. As of June 2002, selection is based on the market capitalization of the free-float of the more liquid share class rather than the...
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This paper analyzes the impact of blockownership dispersion on firm value. Blockholdings by multiple blockholders is a widespread phenomenon in the U.S. market. It is not clear, however, whether dispersion among blockholder is preferable to having a more concentrated ownership structure. To test...
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