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In this study, we determine why CEOs from lobbying firms receive higher pay compared to their non-lobbying peers. We investigate whether insider trading can explain high CEO pay. Using hand-collected firm-level lobbying data, we examine whether CEOs from lobbying firms engage in insider trading...
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By exploiting the exogenous reductions of analyst coverage due to closures and mergers of brokerage firms, I examine the causal impact of information asymmetry on insider trading. I find that corporate insiders' abnormal returns increase sharply after coverage reductions. This effect is stronger...
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Opportunistic inside-traders are known to trade specific financial contracts, such as options, to maximise the economic benefits arising from their private information. However, the recent conviction of inside-traders Kamay and Hill in the foreign exchange markets demonstrates more complex...
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I model the investors' costly information acquisition behaviours with strategic communication of asymmetric information in financial markets. I extend the dynamic insider trading model based on Kyle(Econometrica 53 (1985) 1315) to allow for costly, unobservable information acquisition, assuming...
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We study the link between informed trading and co-movement in illiquidity. We argue that investors concerned with liquidity and fire-sale shocks respond to an increase in informed trading by shifting their portfolios away from stocks with high information asymmetry. This rebalancing causes a...
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We establish existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in a generalised one-period Kyle (1985) model where insider trades can be subject to a size-dependent penalty. The result is obtained by considering uniform noise and holds for virtually any penalty function. Uniqueness is among all...
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Correct information about the expected dividends and their probabilities is also available. METHOD: In two experiments, totaling34 Smith-Suchanek-Williams type double-auction continuous experimental markets (238 subjects), participants were exposed to misinformation regarding dividend payouts in...
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Two activists with correlated private positions in a firm's stock, trade sequentially before simultaneously exerting effort that determines the firm's value. We document the existence of a novel linear equilibrium in which an activist's trades have positive sensitivity to her block size, but...
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We consider Kyle's market order model of insider trading with multiple informed traders and show: if a linear equilibrium exists for two different numbers of informed traders, asset payoff and noise trading are independent and have finite second moments, then these random variables are normally...
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Economic theory predicts that insiders reveal private information when they trade equity in their firm. However …
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