Showing 1 - 10 of 17
In this paper, we study the determinants of the systemic importance of banks and insurers during the financial crisis. We investigate the methodology of regulators to identify global systemically important financial institutions and find that firm size is the only significant predictor of the...
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We study the effects of innovations in financial technology by banks on local competition for deposits and credit supply. To identify the causal effect of financial technology on deposits and lending, we exploit the geographic heterogeneity in human capital available to bank headquarters to...
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This paper proposes the use of outlier detection methods from robust statistics and copula goodness-of-fit tests to identify components of mixture copulas. We first consider simulated data samples in which the true dependence structure is given by a mixture of two parametric copulas: one copula...
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We propose two new tests for detecting clustering in multivariate Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasts. First, we consider CUSUM-tests to detect first-order instationarities in the matrix of VaR-violations. Second, we propose x<sup>2</sup>-tests for detecting cross-sectional and serial dependence in the...
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We show that commonality in liquidity is priced in both the cross-section and time-series of credit default swap (CDS) premia. Protection buyers earn a statistically significant and economically important discount for bearing the risk of individual CDS illiquidity co-moving with CDS market...
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We study symmetry properties of bivariate copulas. For this, we introduce an order of asymmetry, as well as measures of asymmetry which are monotone in that order. In an empirical study, we illustrate that asymmetric dependence structures do indeed occur in financial market data and discuss its...
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In this paper, we compare the Constant Conditional Correlation (CCC) model to its dynamic counterpart, the Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) model with respect to its accuracy for forecasting the Value-at-Risk of financial portfolios. Additionally, we modify these benchmark models by...
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In this paper, the optimality of bivariate copula-VaR models and the usefulness of several goodness-of-fit tests for copulas are analysed in a comprehensive empirical study using data for stocks, commodities and FX futures. In particular, I try to answer two questions: (1) Which parametric...
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We propose to model the joint distribution of bid-ask spreads and log returns of a stock portfolio by using Autoregressive Conditional Double Poisson and GARCH processes for the marginals and vine copulas for the dependence structure. By estimating the joint multivariate distribution of both...
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