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presence of incidental trends in panel unit root test setting is ubiquitous. …
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Applying the new panel unit root test developed in this paper, we can overcome the pitfalls of old-fashioned panel unit …-Fuller and traditional panel data unit root test, however, when using the new test developed in this paper we find strong …
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are locally asymptotically normal (LAN) with the same central sequence. Using Le Cam's theory of statistical experiments …
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The present paper studies the panel data auto regressive (PAR) time series model for testing the unit root hypothesis …
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In this paper we propose a simple extension to the panel case of the covariate-augmented Dickey Fuller (CADF) test for … with respect to other popular panel approaches. A procedure to compute the asymptotic p-values of Hansen’s CADF test is … hypothesis and the presence of a unit root in international industrial production indices. -- unit root ; panel data …
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This study develops new rank tests for panels that include panel unit root tests as a special case. The tests are …
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This study develops new rank tests for panels that include panel unit root tests as a special case. The tests are …
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We consider large n, T panel data models with fixed effects, persistent common factors allowing for cross …
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