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We study active labor market policies (ALMP) in a matching model. ALMPs are modelled as a subsidy to job search …
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We show that in a search/matching model with endogenous participation in which workers are heterogeneous with respect … worker does not internalize the effect of his or her participation on average productivity. -- Search ; matching ; efficiency …
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In recent decades most developed countries have experienced an increase in income inequality. In this paper, we use an equilibrium search framework to shed additional light on what is causing an income distribution to change. The major benefit of the model is that it can accommodate shocks to...
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This paper is about measuring state dependence in dynamic discrete outcomes. I develop a nonparametric dynamic potential outcomes (DPO) model and propose an array of parameters and identifying assumptions that can be considered in this model. I show how to construct sharp identified sets under...
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This paper is about measuring state dependence in dynamic discrete outcomes. I develop a nonparametric dynamic potential outcomes (DPO) model and propose an array of parameters and identifying assumptions that can be considered in this model. I show how to construct sharp identified sets under...
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, to quantify the impact of spatial matching frictions and mobility costs on the job search process. Migration decisions …-specific matching and amenity parameters and to measure the impact of distance on spatial constraints. We find that after controlling …
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The identification of the business cycle turn points is a challenging task. In this context, the evolution of new data typologies as internet searches data strongly impacted the construction of approaches practical to forecast macroeconomic variables. This work emphasizes the significance of...
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Dass die Erklärung von Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit ein überaus aktuelles Thema ist, zeigt der starke Anstieg der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit in den Industrieländern seit Mitte der 70er Jahre. Die Erhöhung der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit bei gleichzeitigem Wirtschaftswachstum - sowohl in einer...
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