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Oliver Williamson has coined the term "fundamental transformation". It captures the following situation: before they strike a deal, buyer and seller are protected by competition. Yet thereafter they find themselves in a bilateral monopoly. With common knowledge of standard preferences, both...
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Economic behavior strives for efficiency. Therefore, also evolving network structures should be a result of such a goal-oriented behavior. Traditionally, networks were assumed to be only temporary phenomena, since the prevailing organizational forms that comply with the efficiency postulate are...
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Das fundamentale Werk von John von Neumann und Oskar Morgenstern (1944) hat die Spieltheorie als Gebiet begründet. Es gab zwar vorher schon den in deutscher Sprache veröffentlichen Beitrag von John Neumann (1928) Zur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele, aber erst mit dem Buch aus dem Jahre 1944...
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This article restates the essential link existing between Malthus' theory of prices and distribution, and his theory of effective demand. The first part of the article deals with his theory of prices and distribution, and shows that, although his contribution to this field has been largely...
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The current financial crisis is a crisis of theory as well. The dominant theory of financial markets, the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), states that in an efficient market the price of a financial asset reflects publicly available information about that asset. Competing theories, such as...
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Bayesian rationality is the paradigm of rational behavior in neoclassical economics. A rational agent in an economic model is one who maximizes her subjective expected utility and consistently revises her beliefs according to Bayes's rule. The paper raises the question of how, when and why this...
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According to Bhagwati the really fundamental innovation in the oligopoly theory came with the realization that oligopoly must deal with ‘potential' competition as distinct from ‘actual' competition. Paolo Sylos Labini's "Oligopoly Theory and Technical Progress" (1957) is considered one of...
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The paper critically reviews the impact of models of cognitive architecture on economics. A historical survey is provided that indicates the reasons for most economists' non-participation, as either producers or consumers, in the cognitive revolution. The remainder of the paper shows, partly by...
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This paper revisits the D-S (Dixit-Stiglitz) model. It's a simple general monopolistic model with n monopolistic goods, and a numeraire good Labour (w=1 ); aggregation for all goods in the economy. We have considered in our paper constant elasticity of substitution case(CES). On the supply side,...
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Prepared for the reissue of Frank Knight's <I>The Economic Organization</I> by Transaction Books, which includes both "The Economic Organization" and "Notes of Utility and Cost." The introduction covers the context of Knight's writing his little textbook, its place in the history of Chicago price...</i>
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