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We develop a framework in which individuals' preferences coevolve with their abilities to deceive others about their preferences and intentions. Specifically, individuals are characterised by (i) a level of cognitive sophistication and (ii) a subjective utility function. Increased cognition is...
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optimal choice (or collection of choices) given this preference relation, there is another preference relation that satisfies … EUOL plus the Savage axioms, for which this choice is also optimal. -- ambiguity ; decision theory ; Knightian uncertainty …
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Recent work highlights that cooperation in the one-shot Prisoner's dilemma (PD) is primarily driven by moral preferences for doing the right thing, rather than social preferences for equity or efficiency. By contrast, little is known on what motivates cooperation in the Stag-Hunt Game (SHG)....
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optimal choice (or collection of choices) given this preference relation, there is another preference relation that satisfies … EUOL plus the Savage axioms, for which this choice is also optimal …
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This paper presents a cardinal measure of choice consistency for perturbed utility models. The measure of choice … error structure admits a pragmatic measure of choice consistency …
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This paper highlights a previously unnoticed property of commonly-used discrete choice models, which is that they …
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choices represent an individual’s preference is a difficult task since choice data is inherently stochastic. This paper shows … choice model. In particular, nontransitive preferences are regularly interpreted as a strength of preference, so we assume …
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Current neoclassical microeconomic theory of rational consumer behavior affirms a unique consumer price-quantity relationship under conditions associated with monopolistic competition. Inverse demand will be just as own-price elastic as demand in the neighborhood of the limit state, while demand...
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Motivated by the literature on ``choice overload'', we study a boundedly rational agent whose choice behavior admits a … of the model, extending familiar characterizations of rational choice. We classify monotone threshold representations as … satisficing'' model as well as Fishburn (1975) and Luce's (1956) model of choice behavior generated by a semiorder. We …
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We provide new evidence on the extent that survey items in the Preference Survey Module and the resulting Global Preference Survey measuring social preferences - trust, altruism, positive and negative reciprocity - predict behavior in corresponding experimental games outside the original student...
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