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Bias Bandwidth Selection (EBBS) proposed by Ruppert (1997) is applied to account for the MSE computation of the matching …
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Measuring bias is important as it helps identify flaws in quantitative forecasting methods or judgmental forecasts. It … can, therefore, potentially help improve forecasts. Despite this, bias tends to be under represented in the literature …: many studies focus solely on measuring accuracy. Methods for assessing bias in single series are relatively well known and …
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The particular concern of this paper is the construction of a confidence region with pointwise asymptotically correct size for the true value of a parameter of interest based on the generalized Anderson-Rubin (GAR) statistic when the moment variance matrix is singular. The large sample behaviour...
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This paper shows how the dynamic linear model with fixed regressors can be efficiently estimated. This dynamic model can be used to distinguish spurious correlation from state dependence and we show that the integrated likelihood estimator is adaptive for any asymptotics with T increasing where...
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estimation. I also show that the MLE of parameters of exogenous variables is inconsistent and determine its asymptotic bias. I … substantial amount of bias on both autoregressive and moving average parameters …
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We use a rich yearly time series dataset to estimate demand and supply price- and cross-elasticities on the market for construction round wood in Switzerland, on the period 1949-2013. We consider both short term and long term relationships, thanks to the Error Correction Model and correct for...
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We introduce trajectory balancing, a general reweighting approach to causal inference with time-series cross-sectional (TSCS) data. We focus on settings in which one or more units is exposed to treatment at a given time, while a set of control units remain untreated throughout a time window of...
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There is strong empirical evidence that the GARCH estimates obtained from panels of financial time series cluster. In order to capture this empirical regularity, this paper introduces the Hierarchical GARCH (HG) model. The HG is a nonlinear panel specification in which the coefficients of each...
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Least squares regression with heteroskedasticity consistent standard errors ("OLS-HC regression") has proved very useful in cross section environments. However, several major difficulties, which are generally overlooked, must be confronted when transferring the HC technology to time series...
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This chapter presents a unified set of estimation methods for fitting a rich array of models describing dynamic relationships within a longitudinal data setting. The discussion surveys approaches for characterizing the micro dynamics of continuous dependent variables both over time and across...
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