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Realized covariance models specify the conditional expectation of a realized covariance matrix as a function of past realized covariance matrices through a GARCH-type structure. We compare the forecasting performance of several such models in terms of economic value, measured through economic...
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The paper examines the volatility predictive ability of the CBOE crude oil volatility index (OVX), GARCH and Stochastic … Volatility Models in the crude oil market. Specifically, the dynamics of two major crude oil pricing benchmarks - Brent in Europe … and WTI in America are compared. OVX index is able to provide the optimal forecast for the volatility of Brent's future …
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volatility for estimating conditional variances and covariances; (2) alternative currencies; and (3) alternative maturities of … Chang et al. [17], we estimate four multivariate volatility models (namely CCC, VARMA-AGARCH, DCC and BEKK), and calculate …
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prices. We empirically assess efficiency gains in volatility estimation when using range-based estimators as opposed to … simple daily ranges and explore the use of these more efficient volatility measures as predictors of daily ranges. The array … forecasts are produced by a realized range based HAR model with a GARCH volatility-of-volatility component. …
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Nowadays, modeling and forecasting the volatility of stock markets have become central to the practice of risk … to forecast the volatility of the Moroccan stock-market index MADEX. We use daily returns covering the period between 01 …, as well as leading to a better understanding of the Moroccan stock-exchange volatility dynamics, especially with the lack …
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Linear GARCH(1,1) and threshold GARCH(1,1) processes are established as regularly varying, meaning their heavy tails are Pareto like, under conditions that allow the innovations from the, respective, processes to be skewed. Skewness is considered a stylized fact for many financial returns...
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We consider the problem of testing for an omitted multiplicative long-term component in GARCH-type models. Under the alternative there is a two-component model with a short-term GARCH component that fluctuates around a smoothly time-varying long-term component which is driven by the dynamics of...
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decades in the mean and volatility dynamics, including the underlying volatility persistence and volatility spillovers … existence of time varying correlations as well as time varying shock and volatility spillovers between the returns of FTSE and …
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We propose a model that extends the RT-GARCH model by allowing conditional heteroskedasticity in the volatility process …. We show we are able to filter and forecast both volatility and volatility of volatility simultaneously in this simple … setting. The volatility forecast function follows a second-order difference equation as opposed to first-order under GARCH(1 …
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Forecasting volatility models typically rely on either daily or high frequency (HF) data and the choice between these … two categories is not obvious. In particular, the latter allows to treat volatility as observable but they suffer from … these two family forecasting-volatility models, comparing their performance (in terms of Value at Risk, VaR) under the …
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