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This paper is devoted to the study of structural dynamics. The focus is on labor-allocation-dynamics in a tree-sector-economy. However, our approach can be applied to other types of structural change (e.g. income-distribution-dynamics). In contrast to the previous literature our assumptions are...
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domains) which are studied in structural change theory and (b) the empirical information from stylized facts of structural …
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This paper suggests and tests a simple stochastic growth model with international technological links, where growth could be driven either by exogenous or endogenous accumulation of technological knowledge. The main prediction of the model is that per capita output in different countries are...
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This paper extends the existing literature on linear quadratic adjustment cost (LQAC) models under rational expectations to the inferential issues arising when: (i) agents optimise with respect to a vector of endogenous variables; (ii) the behavioural equations stemming from the agent's...
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This paper studies the evolution of long-run output and labour productivity growth rates in the G-7 countries during the post-war period. We estimate the growth rates consistent with a constant unemployment rate using time-varying parameter models that incorporate both stochastic volatility and...
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We provide an overview of recent empirical research on patterns of cross-country growth. The new empirical regularities considered differ from earlier ones, e.g., the well-known Kaldor stylized facts. The new research no longer makes production function accounting a central part of the analysis....
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In the present paper, we propose a new approach to investigate the logistic function, which is commonly used in mathematical models in economics and management. The approach is based on indicating in a given time series, having a logistic trend, some characteristic points corresponding to zeroes...
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The paper considers the problem of estimating the rate of convergence to the stationary distribution of complex queuing networks. The paper provides an overview of some well-known approaches to solving such problems: functional inequalities, inequalities for the spectral gap, сoupling method...
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Studying the power-law scaling of financial time series is a promising area of econophysics, which has often contributed to the understanding of the intricate features of the global markets. In this article, we examine the multifractality of some financial processes and the underlying formation...
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