Showing 1 - 10 of 14
This paper focuses on developing a new data-driven procedure for decomposing seasonal time series based on local regression. Formula of the asymptotic optimal bandwidth hA in the current context is given. Methods for estimating the unknowns in hA are investigated. A data-driven algorithm for...
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We propose a fast data-driven procedure for decomposing seasonal time series using the Berlin Method, the software used by the German Federal Statistical Office in this context. Formula of the asymptotic optimal bandwidth h_A is obtained. Meth- ods for estimating the unknowns in h_A are...
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This paper focuses on developing a new data-driven procedure for decomposing seasonal time series based on local regression. Formula of the asymptotic optimal bandwidth hA in the current context is given. Methods for estimating the unknowns in hA are investigated. A data-driven algorithm for...
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Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktivitätsentwicklung in Deutschland ist nach dem Wiedervereinigungsboom im internationalen Vergleich deutlich eingebrochen. Nicht nur gegenüber den USA und Schwellenländern wie Südkorea, sondern auch im Vergleich zu anderen EU-Staaten fiel Deutschland seitdem...
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Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktivitätsentwicklung in Deutschland ist nach dem Wiedervereinigungsboom im internationalen Vergleich deutlich eingebrochen. Nicht nur gegenüber den USA und Schwellenländern wie Südkorea, sondern auch im Vergleich zu anderen EU-Staaten fiel Deutschland seitdem...
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This paper shows how to compute the in-sample effect of exogenous inputs on the endogenous variables in any linear model written in state-space form. Estimating this component may be, either interesting by itself, or a previous step before decomposing a time series into trend, cycle, seasonal...
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A method of analysis of Time Series Internal Structures based on Singular Spectrum Analysis is discussed. It has been shown that in the case when the Time Series contains deterministic additive components rank of the trajectory matrices equal to number of parameters of the components. Also it...
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A study of business cycles defined as sequences of expansions and contractions in the level of general economic activity does not require trend estimation and elimination, but a study of growth cycles defined as sequences of high and low growth phases does. Major cyclical slowdowns and booms...
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