Chao, Chi-Chur; Yu, Eden S. H. - In: Trade-Related Investment Measures:Theory and Applications
The following sections are included: <ul><li class="bullet">Introduction</li><li class="bullet">A Theoretical Model of Tax Rebates</li><li class="bullet">Modeling China's Duty Drawbacks and Tax Rebates in a CGE Framework</li><li class="bullet">Effects of Duty Drawbacks and Tax Rebates: Illustrative Experiments</li><li class="bullet">Concluding Remarks</li><li class="bullet">Appendix: Stability</li></ul><p> <form name="frmAbs" action="" style="visibility:hidden;"> <input name="href" value="/doi/abs/10.1142/9781783264797_0019" type="hidden"> <input name="title" value="Import Duty Drawback and VAT Rebate Policies: A CGE Analysis for China)" type="hidden"> <input name="doi" value="10.1142/9781783264797_0019" checked="checked" type="checkbox">