Showing 1 - 10 of 315
between two or more covariates' marginal distributions, and (iii) a dependence effect accounting for between-group differences … in dependence patterns among the covariates. Our methods can be used to decompose differences in arbitrary distributional …
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interplay between two or more covariates' marginal distributions, and (iii) a "dependence effect" accounting for between …-group differences in dependence patterns among the covariates. Our methods can be used to decompose differences in arbitrary …
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Zn. Applying the concept of copula functions, we allow for a general form of dependence between the marginal processes …
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To measure income inequality with right censored (topcoded) data, we propose multiple imputation for censored observations using draws from Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distributions to provide partially synthetic datasets analyzed using complete data methods. Estimation and inference...
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To measure income inequality with right censored (topcoded) data, we propose multiple imputation for censored observations using draws from Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distributions to provide partially synthetic datasets analyzed using complete data methods. Estimation and inference...
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We introduce a copula-based dynamic model for multivariate processes of (non-negative) high-frequency trading variables revealing time-varying conditional variances and correlations. Modeling the variables' conditional mean processes using a multiplicative error model we map the resulting...
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Neither existing theory nor prior empirical work can tell us the impact of non-normality on required sample sizes for Student-t tests of the mean in U.S. stock returns. Prior empirical work and bounds from a modified Berry-Esseen theorem do suggest, however, that the answer should vary with...
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To measure income inequality with right censored (topcoded) data, we propose multiple imputation for censored observations using draws from Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distributions to provide partially synthetic datasets analyzed using complete data methods. Estimation and inference...
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To measure income inequality with right censored (topcoded) data, we propose multiple imputation for censored observations using draws from Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distributions to provide partially synthetic datasets analyzed using complete data methods. Estimation and inference...
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We introduce a copula-based dynamic model for multivariate processes of (non-negative) high-frequency trading variables revealing time-varying conditional variances and correlations. Modeling the variables’ conditional mean processes using a multiplicative error model we map the resulting...
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