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This paper analyzes return spillovers from the US to stock markets in Asia by means of quantile regressions. Traditional studies consider spillovers as effects of the conditional means of foreign returns onto the conditional means of chronologically succeeding domestic markets' returns. We, by...
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Purpose: This study examines how, and to what extent the trading of the cross-listed China-backed ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) contributes to the information flow and price discovery for the corresponding cross-listed stocks on the Shanghai Stock exchange (SSE)....
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We use the 2016 U.S. SEC tick size pilot to examine the effects of an increase in the minimum price variation on limit order book liquidity in NASDAQ-listed stocks on the NASDAQ exchange. For treatment stocks with an average pre-pilot quoted spread less than $0.05, the tick size increase is...
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This paper studies the workup protocol, a unique trading feature in the U.S. Treasury securities market that resembles a mechanism for discovering dark liquidity. We quantify its role in the price formation process in a model of the dynamics of price and segmented order flow induced by the...
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We find that the bans on covered short sales, implemented in several countries during the financial crisis of 2008-09 improved market liquidity or at least had a neutral impact; a result we argue could be expected in theory, given a simple variation on the Diamond-Verrechia (1987) model. The...
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In this paper, I identify a novel channel through which political beliefs affect investor behavior. Instead of considering differences of opinion between Republicans and Democrats, I analyze nonpartisan evaluations of the executive using Gallup's presidential approval ratings. I find that large...
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This paper studies how the Baker, Bloom and Davis (2013) new measure capturing economic policy uncertainty (EPU) is related to stock market performance in the United States. We use a variety of methods to estimate different specifications. We find that an increase in the EPU index negatively...
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This paper investigates a largely overlooked segment of U.S. equity markets, listed penny stocks. We find that: (i) the average percentage of short interest ratio of listed penny stocks is 14% which is not significantly different from that of NYSE- and NASDAQ-listed stocks ranging from 10% to...
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This paper investigates how heterogeneous sentiments and perspectives expressed in public online media about the abolition of the Chinese presidential term limit in 2018 may have caused a divergence in investor behavior between the U.S. and China. We document that sentiments expressed in social...
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We investigate possible reasons for voluntary delistings by U.S. firms from the Tokyo Stock Exchange from 1982 to 2005. We find that the small shareholder base, as measured by low turnover, for U.S. stocks in Japan helps to explain the voluntary foreign delistings. This finding is consistent,...
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