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Almost two years after the publication of the "Integrated Review", the British govern­ment has updated its security strategy. This "refresh" is primarily intended to adapt to the rapidly advancing development towards a contested and fragmented global order. Without indicating a radical shift,...
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Seit Beginn des russischen Angriffskrieges durchläuft die europäische Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik eine Zeitenwende: Verteidigungsausgaben werden erhöht, kritische Fähigkeitslücken geschlossen. Die Nato stellt ihre Vitalität unter Beweis, im Rahmen der EU handeln die...
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Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has fundamentally changed the terms of Russia-China economic relations. Economic cooperation with China has become vital for the Russian economy. Trade turnover between Russia and China has increased significantly since February 2022. However, Chinese...
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Russia's fullscale invasion of Ukraine since 24 February 2022 has not shaken France's security policy as fundamentally as it has Germany's. France sees its previous goals confirmed, particularly in terms of strengthening Europe's strategic sovereignty. Nevertheless, it has been adapting in many...
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No other bilateral relationship has comparable significance for the future of the international order as that between the United States and the People's Republic of China.Domestic political and social structural factors have a significant influence on the conflict behaviour of the two states....
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Russland verfolgt mit seinen nuklearen Drohgebärden im Krieg gegen die Ukraine eine dreigleisige Strategie. Erstens versucht es eine westliche Intervention abzuschrecken, zweitens Unterstützung für die Ukraine zu verhindern und drittens schrittweise Kyjiw zu erpressen, worauf der Westen...
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Wladimir Putin eskalierte im September 2022 den russischen Krieg gegen die Ukraine. Er kündigte eine Teilmobilisierung an und wiederholte seine Drohung mit dem Einsatz von Nuklearwaffen. Es war aber vor allem die proklamierte Annexion der ukrainischen Gebiete Luhansk, Donezk, Saporischschja und...
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The Ukraine crisis poses two particularly uneasy questions for Turkey: How to uphold a power balance in the Black Sea? And how to manage its relations between Russia, Ukraine and the West? So far, Ankara’s policy towards Moscow consists of both deterrence and dialogue. In regards deterrence,...
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As Russian tanks and artillery advanced on Kharkiv and Kyiv, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed an application to join the European Union. He called for a special admission procedure to secure swift accession for Ukraine, yet Ukraine did not first aspire to EU membership under missile fire....
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