Showing 1 - 10 of 159
This paper is concerned with a policy oriented macroeconomic experiment involving an 'international' economy with a relatively small 'home' country and a large 'foreign' country. It compares the economic performance of two alternative tax systems as a means to finance unemployment benefits: a...
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This paper reviews the published literature on the definition and measurement of the administrative and compliance costs of taxation, with special reference to VAT (including evasion and fraud) in the European Union.
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This paper examines the determination of the optimal threshold value for Goods and Services Tax (GST) for imported units arising from internet orders. The concept of an optimal threshold is wider than simply the maximisation of revenue net of administrative costs. At the optimal threshold, the...
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This paper is concerned with a policy oriented macroeconomic experiment involving an 'international' economy with a relatively small 'home' country and a large 'foreign' country. It compares the economic performance of two alternative tax systems as a means to finance unemployment benefits: a...
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For many years there have been political intentions to harmonize tax rates in Europe. As to capital income taxation, competition is often seen to be especially harmful. Facing a high degree of international capital mobility, every country is expected to reduce its tax rate in order to attract...
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Eine Harmonisierung der Steuern auf Kapitaleinkommen wird häufig gefordert, weil sonst bei hoher Kapitalmobilität ein Steuersenkungswettlauf eintrete mit der Folge, dass der Staat seine eigentlichen Aufgaben nicht wahrnehmen kann. Tatsächlich sind die Indizien für ein "race to the bottom"...
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This study discusses European Commission's recent proposal to combat VAT fraud by taxing intra-Community supplies at a common rate of 15%, accompanied by the internal correction of input-tax gap between an importer and his own national tax authority, which is caused by the national VAT rate...
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The economic consequences of the war in Ukraine are taking a toll on goods prices in Germany and elsewhere. Prices on energy inputs to production, heating and mobility have risen sharply as well as food prices. As a possible policy response to these rising prices, the reduction of the VAT to...
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In seinem Einführungsreferat betonte der Finanzminister von Rheinland-Pfalz, Gernot Mittler, dass sich die bei Inkrafttreten des geltenden Mehrwertsteuersystems verbreitete Auffassung, es handle sich um ein einfaches, praktikables und sich selbst kontrollierendes System, leider als irrig...
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Nach Ansicht des bayerischen Finanzministers, Prof. Dr. Kurt Faltlhauser, muss der Druck (auf Bundesregierung und Europäische Kommission) erhöht werden, um notwendige Veränderungen voranzutreiben und die Steuerausfälle in Zukunft zu vermeiden. Zwar zeigten die bisherigen Maßnahmen gewisse...
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