Showing 1 - 10 of 119
We analyze the optimal dynamic scale and structure of a two-sectoreconomy, where each sector produces one consumption good and one specific pollutant. Both pollutants accumulate at di_erent rates to stocks which damage the natural environment. This acts as a dynamic driving force for the...
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We study the environmental and economic effects of public abatement in the presence of multiple stable steady-state ecological equilibria. Under shallow-lake dynamics (SLD), the isocline for the stock of pollution features two stable branches, a good and a bad one. Assuming that the ecology is...
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We examine international cooperation on technological development as a supplement to, or an alternative to, international cooperation on emission reductions. R&D should be increased beyond the non-cooperative level if (i) the technology level in one country is positively affected by R&D in other...
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Fisher [2000, this journal] offers a unifying framework for two concepts of (quasi-) option value suggested by Arrow, Fisher, Hanemann, and Henry (AFHH) on the one hand, and by Dixit and Pindyck (DP) on the other, and claims these two concepts to be equivalent. We show that this claim is not...
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Economists have a good understanding of intra-economic interdependence and a mature methodology of modeling it. Ecologists focus on the complex and sensitive interactions of species in ecosystems. This paper's objective is to suggest a new micro-foundation of ecosystem analysis based on economic...
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This paper introduces and surveys ecological-economic analysis and valuation of biodiversity. Furthermore, the notion and application of economic, monetary valuation of biodiversity is critically evaluated. A classification of biodiversity values is offered, based on a system of logical...
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This work examines the impact that economic growth can have on biodiversity and on the ecological dynamics that would naturally emerge in the absence of human activity. The loss of biodiversity may induce policy-makers to implement defensive actions that prevent single species from extinction....
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Tradable Permits – a Market-Based Allocation System for the Environment. Tradable Permits and Other Environmental Policy Instruments – Killing one Bird with two Stones. Tradable Permits – Ten Key Design Issues. Tradable Permits with Imperfect Monitoring. Emissions Trading with Greenhouse...
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Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird ein Begriffskonzept entwickelt, das zum besseren Verständnis des Zusammenspiels der Dynamiken von Ökosystemen und Wirtschaft dient: das Konzept des Bestandes. Der Bestandsbegriff wird allgemein mengentheoretisch formuliert. Die zentrale Eigenschaft eines Bestandes...
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This essay develops the "concept of stocks" – a conceptual notion designed to enable a clearer understanding of the interaction between the dynamics of ecosystems and the economy. The notion of stocks is formulated in a general manner based on set theory. The central attribute of a stock is...
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