Showing 1 - 10 of 56
One way of reducing carbon emissions is to reduce carbon emissions from consumption. Quantitative information about these emissions helps to better understand the reduction potential. This article aims to provide carbon footprint data for students of the University of Applied Science in...
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Despite their potential in many respects, blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) technology have been the target of criticism for the energy intensity of the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithm in general and of Bitcoin mining in particular. However, mining is also believed to...
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This paper presents the first estimates of the OECD project "Towards a pilot dashboard of SME greening and green entrepreneurship indicators", which is part of broader work of the OECD Committee on SMEs and Entrepreneurship (CSMEE) to support governments in making SMEs active players in the...
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Die Rubrik »Kurz zum Klima« erscheint nun bereits seit drei Jahren mit nahezu 60 Ausgaben. Dieser Beitrag greift drei Themen aus den Bereichen Energie-, Klima- und Umweltpolitik – das Reserven-Produktions-Verhältnis, die weltweite CO2-Reduktion und das Problem der Überfischung – erneut...
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Um das Europäische Emissionshandelssystem (EU ETS) wird derzeit aufgrund der niedrigen Preise für Verschmutzungsrechte eine Diskussion geführt. Der Beitrag fasst den aktuellen Stand zusammen und kommentiert ihn aus ökonomischer Sicht.
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Der Beitrag zeigt anhand historischer Daten zur CO2-Emissionen in Europa einige Entwicklungen auf, mit deren Hilfe Annahmen zum zukünftigen CO2-Ausstoß getroffen werden können.
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Im Dezember 2011 startete eine Kampagne des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums unter dem Motto »Kraftwerke? Ja bitte!«. Um im Zuge der Energiewende und des Atomausstiegs weiterhin Versorgungssicherheit und bezahlbaren Strom zu gewährleisten, seien neue Kohle- und Gaskraftwerke unabdinglich. In...
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The number of studies seeking to empirically characterize the reduced-form relationship between a country's economic growth and the quantity of various pollutants produced has recently increased significantly. In several cases researchers have found evidence in favor of an inverted-U...
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The Climate Change debate has drawn attention to the problem of greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere. One of the most important issues in the policy debate is the role that should be played by developing countries in joining the commitment of developed countries to reduce GHG...
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In this paper we investigate the existence and shape of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) by means of nonparametric methods. We also investigate the issues involved in the choice of nonparametric estimator. We find that the nature of the economic relationship and the quality of environmental...
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