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making under uncertainty. It clarifies the distinct roles of risk aversion, prudence, characteristics of the damage … formulation, and future policy response. We show that an optimal response to uncertainty substantially reduces the risk premium. … the resulting warming over the next decades and centuries highly uncertain. We quantify how this uncertainty changes the …
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-DICE2016, which is designed to address three key aspects of climateeconomy models: treatment of uncertainty, the use of more … difficulties identified with IAMs, the choice of the risk aversion parameter and the underestimation of damages, are also directly … parameters whose distributions have "fat tails". Uncertainty is accommodated via the state-contingent approach enabling us to …
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We show that several of the most important economic models of climate change produce climate dynamics inconsistent with the current crop of models in climate science. First, most economic models exhibit far too long a delay between an impulse of CO2 emissions and warming. Second, few economic...
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uncertainty over climate change and its impact, why there is so much uncertainty, and why we will continue to face uncertainty in … the near future. I also explain the policy implications of climate change uncertainty. First, the uncertainty … stronger actions to reduce CO2 emissions. Second, uncertainty interacts with two kinds of irreversibilities. First, CO2 remains …
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reason, distinct from learning spillovers, is that reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires investment in long …
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Climate change not only impacts production and market consumption, but also the relative scarcity of non-market goods, such as environmental amenities. We study fundamental drivers of the resulting relative price changes, their potential magnitude, and their implications for climate policy in...
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DICE based on empirical evidence and propose a plausible range for relative price changes. The uncertainty is substantial …
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, clean technological progress, as well as uncertainty about climatic and economic factors, lead to lower emissions and … relative to a 'straw man' model with perfect capital mobility, fixed abatement costs and no uncertainty. …
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economically optimal - creates high liability to firms and regulators that warrants a careful and deliberative risk management …
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