Showing 1 - 10 of 198
We develop an equilibrium search-matching model with risk-neutral agents and two-sided ex-ante heterogeneity. Unemployment insurance has the standard effect of reducing employment, but also helps workers to get a suitable job. The predictions of our simple model are consistent with the...
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We study the emplyment and distributional effects of regulating (reducing) working time in a general equilibrium model with search-matching frictions. Job creation entails some fixed costs, but existing jobs are subject to diminishing returns. We characterize the equilibrium in the de-regulated...
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This paper begins from the twin observation that on the one hand, privatization which leaves control in the hands of the insiders has produced little restructuring while on the other, state-owned enterprises have engaged in some restructuring even in the absence of a clear prospect of...
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This paper offers an alternative theory for the increase in unemployment and wage inequality experienced in the United States over the past two decades. In my model firms decide the composition of jobs and then match with skilled and unskilled workers. The demand for skills is endogenous and an...
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Using data from the German socio-economic panel this paper analyses the labour market entrance of former apprentices, as well as of university and full-time school graduates. There are three main findings. First, the retention rate of apprentices in their training firms is fairly low. Second,...
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The paper examines the appropriate domain of the Welfare State by exploring the areas in which free enterprise fails to provide adequate welfare state services. The paper outlines a simple coherent strategy for formulating government welfare state policy by identifying the relevant market...
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This paper explores a possible link between job security and multiple job-holding in the United Kingdom. It is argued that an individual may hold a second job if they believe that their primary job has a high risk of termination. The reason is that holding a second job may cushion the financial...
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The paper presents a stochastic insider-outsider model that accounts for the following stylized facts: (1) unemployment rates display a high degree of serial correlation, or `persistence'; (2) the average rate of unemployment has been higher in the United States than in Europe over the 1950s and...
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We use longitudinal individual wage, hours, and employment data to investigate the effect of the 1981 mandatory reduction of weekly working hours in France. A few months after François Mitterrand's election of May 1981, the government, applying its programme decided first to increase the...
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This paper incorporates training in the design of unemployment policies. Human capital falls upon displacement and continuously depreciates during unemployment. While training counters the decrease in human capital, it also affects the willingness of the unemployed to search. I characterize the...
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