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We estimate a dynamic programming model of schooling decisions in which the degree of risk aversion can be inferred from schooling decisions. In our model, individuals are heterogeneous with respect to school and market abilities but homogeneous with respect to the degree of risk aversion. We...
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into a 1% productivity (wage) growth. …
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We estimate a Dynamic Programming model of the decision between continuing schooling or entering the labor market using a panel from the National Longitudinal Survey (NLSY). The model, set in an expected utility framework (with a power utility function), fits data on both schooling attainments...
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immigrant men following the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act have low initial earnings and high earnings growth. Another … asserts that post-1965 immigrants have low initial earnings and low earnings growth. We describe the methodological issues … that create this divide and show that low earnings growth becomes high earnings growth when immigrants are followed from …
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inverse relationship between initial earnings and earnings growth rates: the good fit between data and theory suggests that … earnings growth of post-1965 U.S. immigrants. When both functional-form and sample-selection constraints are lifted, a …
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We estimate a structural dynamic programming model of schooling decisions and obtain individual specific estimates of the local (and average) returns to schooling as well as the returns to experience. Homogeneity of the returns to human capital is strongly rejected in favor of a discrete...
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into a 1% productivity (wage) growth. …
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