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Bitcoin is a digital asset that was first mined in January 2009 after the global financial crisis of 2007-2008. Over a decade later, there is still no consensus across different market regulations on the classification, use cases, policies, and economic implications of bitcoin. However, there is...
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This paper investigates the link between Bitcoin and macroeconomic fundamentals by estimating the impact of macroeconomic news on Bitcoin using an event study with intraday data. The key result is that, unlike other U.S. asset classes, Bitcoin is orthogonal to monetary and macroeconomic news....
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of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), allowing for a wide class of error distributions which include normality as a … is too restrictive when testing the CAPM. We also propose exact multivariate diagnostic checks (including tests for …
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of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), allowing for a wide class of error distributions which include normality as a … is too restrictive when testing the CAPM. We also propose exact multivariate diagnostic checks (including tests for …In diesem Papier schlagen wir exakte likelihood-basierte Tests auf Mittelwert-Varianz- Effizienz im Rahmen des CAPM vor …
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This paper studies the workup protocol, a unique trading feature in the U.S. Treasury securities market that resembles a mechanism for discovering dark liquidity. We quantify its role in the price formation process in a model of the dynamics of price and segmented order flow induced by the...
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This paper investigates high-frequency (HF) market and limit orders in the U.S. Treasury market around major macroeconomic news announcements. BrokerTec introduced i-Cross at the end of 2007 and we use this exogenous event as an instrument to analyze the impact of HF activities on liquidity and...
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Using intraday data, we identify the intensity of private information flow in the U.S. Treasury market. Our results show that the intensity of private information flow is highly correlated with public information shocks and higher for longer maturity bonds. More importantly, we find that bond...
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We study the workup protocol, an important size discovery mechanism in the U.S. Treasury securities market. We find that shocks in workup order flow explain 6-8 percent of the variation of returns on benchmark notes and, across maturities, contribute 10 percent to the variation of the yield...
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Increasing globalization has meant the internet becoming ever more part of the routine of people around the world. With the evolution of the internet, social networks have emerged in order to facilitate communication between people, communities and even between corporations. Social networks...
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I examine how financial markets interact with news about the COVID-19 pandemic. A twelve topic model optimizes the trade-off between number of topics and topic coherence. Using this model, I show that before mid-March 2020 markets react more to the same quantum of news when volatility is higher...
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