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relies on the CAPM model to define the return risk premium, and the OLS method to estimate the beta risk coefficient required …
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This paper proposes estimating β in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) using a functional data analysis approach …. After explicitly deriving parameter estimates and a prediction function for a functional CAPM, this paper compares the … predictive power of the functional CAPM against two distinct linear CAPMs. The analysis of the model’s predictive power is based …
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Using a very large data set with more than 9,700 stocks listed on NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ, we analyze overnight price jumps and report short-term investor overreaction to information shocks and document return reversal and predictability up to five days. For negative and positive overnight jumps,...
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This study revisits the widely used assumptions in long-term asset allocation: the normal distribution of long-horizon returns and the negligible impacts of estimation errors on the expected returns. This study uses the innovative simulation method of Fama and French (2018) for horizons of up to...
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Neither existing theory nor prior empirical work can tell us the impact of non-normality on required sample sizes for Student-t tests of the mean in U.S. stock returns. Prior empirical work and bounds from a modified Berry-Esseen theorem do suggest, however, that the answer should vary with...
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We analyse how the future real economic activity is discounted to the current value of stocks in the US and European markets, and find that the extraordinary threat on future real GDP growth caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was obviously one of the main factors that affected the deep dive in the...
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