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Future increases to the top income tax rates for individuals and reductions to the corporate tax rate will invite the widespread use of C corporations as tax shelter vehicles, an old problem that has never been addressed successfully. The changes could even resurrect the need for the...
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This Handbook entry presents a conceptual, normative overview of the subject of taxation. It emphasizes the relationships among the main functions of taxation—notably, raising revenue, redistributing income, and correcting externalities—and the mapping between these functions and various...
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In den letzten Jahren wurde eine Vielzahl an Steuerreformvorschlägen in Deutschland unterbreitet. Zu den aktuellen gehören neben der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008 (UntSt-Reform), die Duale Einkommensteuer des Sachverständigenrates (DIT) und die Kirchhof'sche Einheitssteuer. Dieser Aufsatz...
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A surprising degree of bipartisan consensus has lately formed in the United States around two propositions of business tax reform: that something should be done about the “lockout” of U.S. multinationals' foreign earnings; and that (for reasons that go beyond lockout) the corporate income...
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Do sovereign bond investors care about taxation in the countries where they invest? In this paper, I examine the response of sovereign spreads to changes in tax revenues, bases and rates. In simple OLS regressions there is a negligible relationship between sovereign spreads and taxation....
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This paper explores the taxation of corporations in the wider context of capital income taxation. The pros and cons of various income-based and cash-flow forms of corporation tax (CT) are discussed. The paper concludes that the dual income tax (DIT), which taxes all capital income at the...
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Die aktuellen Pläne der Großen Koalition zur Reform der Unternehmensbesteuerung geben ein positives Signal: Der Gewinnsteuersatz der Unternehmen wird deutlich reduziert, im Gegenzug wird die Bemessungsgrundlage verbreitert. Insgesamt verringern die Pläne die Anreize zu Steuergestaltungen. Die...
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We study the economic effects of unilateral adoption of corporate tax policies that include destination-based taxes and/or cash ow taxes in a heterogeneous agent model in which multinational firms can endogenously shift income between countries using transfer prices. Standard pass through...
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The view that the transfer pricing problem vanishes under universal destination-based cash flow taxation (DBCFT) is based on how firms behave in perfectly competitive markets. We show that the neutralizing effect DBCFT has on transfer price incentives fails once multinational firms are...
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