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A recent dramatic rise in the assets managed by passive corporate debt funds has profound implications for firm financing and payout policy. I use fund-specific flows to isolate exogenous increases in firm-level passive debt ownership at a firm. Firms respond to higher levels of passive debt...
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In a three-period model with active and passive external corporate governance, this paper studies the endogenous decision of debt and equity financiers on the governance mode and intensity over their debtors, as well as how this may affect the funded firms' financing choice. We show that debt...
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We apply control rights theory to explain the structure and determinants of financial covenants in private equity backed leveraged buyouts. We analyze 130 German transactions from 2000 to 2008, covering about 40 percent of the LBO market during this period. We consider Germany to be a superior...
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This paper analyzes the relationship between some characteristics of the corporate board and the firm's capital structure in Nepalese listed firms using panel data models. The findings provide some preliminary empirical evidence and seem to suggest that stronger corporate governance practices...
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We investigate how transient institutional ownership influences the level and value of cash holdings. We show that transient institutional ownership has a positive effect on cash holdings, and this linkage is more pronounced when stock and credit market conditions are less favorable. Using a...
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Using unique detailed data, we describe the role of internal capital markets in Italian business groups before and after the financial crisis, an exogenous event which provides an ideal setting to assess whether the working of internal capital markets helps group-affiliated firms to mitigate...
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data about other patterns of “Corporate Italy” which have never been enquired in a systematic way before. More specifically …
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Existing literature has not yet defined a clear-cut relationship between ownership structure and capital structure. This study aims to contribute to this controversial argument by examining the impact of internal (managerial) ownership and external ownership on financing preferences using the...
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The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of corporate financial structure on a firm's export propensity, especially that of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The paper contributes to the literature concerned with the relationship between exports and financial constraints from the...
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The study investigates the role of minority equity purchases on the innovation activities of the US firms. We provide evidence of an increased innovation activity following minority equity purchases targeting firms with a small size patent portfolio prior to acquisition. Using a hand collected...
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