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SME database AMADEUS, which includes ten European countries. First, we apply probit models to investigate whether the …
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procurement, particularly when mediated by the demand-pull effect, may lower a company’s funding constraints for innovation. We …
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This paper studies the interaction between financially constrained and financially strong firms on a procurement market. It characterizes and discusses a procurement agency's optimal response when faced with financially asymmetric firms. By considering a dynamic setting, both present and future...
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financial crisis 2008/2009 on their business customers’ innovation activity. Using a matched bank-firm data set for Germany, we … find that having relations with a more severely affected bank seriously hampers firms’ current innovation activities due to … initiate new product and process innovations and to reallocate human resources to innovation during the financial crisis. …
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This paper compares how Czech and Slovak microentrepreneurs perceive the volume and ease of access to finance that they face. Having an adequate number of sources of finance and easier access to them can help improve both enterprise and country performance. Chi-square and Z score tests for...
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/supplier, bank, and SME/buyer collaborate for their mutual benefit. Under the CVCF approach, all parties involved in the transaction … engage in risk-taking. The supplier provides the necessary materials to the SME for sale or further value addition while the …
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In this study, using a unique firm-level survey database, I investigate which firm constraints in the business environment directly affect growth for over 15,000 mostly small- and medium-sized firms in 30 Eastern European and Central Asian countries. I also examine how financing constraints...
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