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We investigate the impact of new business formation on regional employment. The main effects occur after a considerable time lag. Obviously, a large part of the effect is not due to job creation by the newcomers but rather is of indirect nature. This implies that a large part of the debate about...
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Der Beitrag behandelt den Einfluss des Gründungsgeschehens auf die regionale Entwicklung. Viele dieser Wirkungen sind indirekter Natur und müssen sich nicht notwendig in der Region niederschlagen, in der die Gründung stattfand. Empirische Analysen für westdeutsche Regionen zeigen, dass nur...
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Der Beitrag behandelt den Einfluss des Gründungsgeschehens auf die regionale Entwicklung. Viele dieser Wirkungen sind indirekter Natur und müssen sich nicht notwendig in der Region niederschlagen, in der die Gründung stattfand. Empirische Analysen für westdeutsche Regionen zeigen, dass nur...
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We investigate the impact of start-up rates on regional economic development. We argue that in line with Schumpeter's view this effect is mediated by a process of creative destruc-tion: Start-ups spark a process of creative destruction which in turn leads to regional eco-nomic development....
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New firm formation is often highly prioritized by local governments, particularly for regions that are declining. Entrepreneurship can play an important role in keeping declining regions vital through job creation. Yet, the way in which new firm formation exerts its influence on employment...
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The relevance of residential segregation and ethnic enclaves for labor market sorting of immigrants has been investigated by a large body of literature. Previous literature presents competing arguments and mixed results for the effects of segregation and ethnic concentration on various labor...
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Anhand einer Kohorte von Betrieben des IAB-Betriebspanels, die 1995/96 ihren ersten sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten einstellten, werden potenzielle Erklärungsfaktoren des Überlebens und der Beschäftigungsentwicklung neu gegründeter Betriebe bis 2003 analysiert. Zu den wenigen...
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The rate of entrepreneurial activity among women dropped sharply in 2007 while the activity rate among men and immigrants surged, according to a national assessment of entrepreneurial activity by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. According to the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity,...
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The Kauffman Index measures the monthly rate of business creation at the individual owner level, reporting the percent of non-business owners who start businesses with more than fifteen hours worked per week. The matched basic monthly files from the Current Population Survey (CPS) provide a...
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Overall, the 2008 entrepreneurial activity rate increased slightly over 2007. An average of 0.32 percent of the adult population (or 320 out of 100,000 adults) created a new business each month - representing approximately 530,000 new businesses per month - as compared to 0.30 percent in 2007....
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