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The paper evaluates several hundred one-day-ahead VaR forecasting models in the time period between the years 2004 and 2009 on data from six world stock indices - DJI, GSPC, IXIC, FTSE, GDAXI and N225. The models model mean using the ARMA processes with up to two lags and variance with one of...
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This paper studies the nature of volatility spillovers across countries from the per-spective of network theory and by relying on data of US-listed ETFs. I use a Lasso-related technique to estimate the International Volatility Network (IVN) where the nodes correspond to large-cap international...
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This paper studies the nature of volatility spillovers across countries from the perspective of network theory and by relying on data of US-listed ETFs. I use a Lasso-related technique to estimate the International Volatility Network (IVN) where the nodes correspond to large-cap international...
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We study the relationship between volatility and liquidity in the market for on-the-run Treasury securities using a novel framework for quantifying price impact. We show that at times of relatively low volatility, marginal trades that go with the flow of existing trades tend to have a smaller...
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The paper considers the problem as to whether financial returns have a common volatility process in the framework of stochastic volatility models that were suggested by Harvey et al. (1994). We propose a stochastic volatility version of the ARCH test proposed by Engle and Susmel (1993), who...
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We propose a copula-based periodic mixed frequency GAS framework in order to model and forecast the intraday Exposure Conditional Value at Risk (ECoVaR) for an intraday asset return and the corresponding market return. In particular we analyze GAS models which account for long-memory-type of...
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In this paper, we analyzed a dataset of over 2000 crypto-assets to assess their credit risk by computing their probability of death using the daily range. Unlike conventional low-frequency volatility models that only utilize close-to-close prices, the daily range incorporates all the information...
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In this study, we investigate the cross-section of option implied tail risks in commodity markets. In contrast to findings from equity markets, left and right tail risk implied by option markets are both large. Commodity specific variables exert the largest influence on tail risk, while there is...
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Assessing the dynamics of risk premium measures and their relationship with macroeconomic fundamentals is essential for macroeconomic policymakers and market practitioners. This study analyzes the main determinants of sovereign credit default swaps (SCDS) in Latin America at different tenures,...
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We propose a number of volatility measures that are based on ensemble averaging instead of time averaging. These measures allow fast measurement of current volatility without relying on series of past data (realized volatility) of future expectations (implied volatility). The introduced...
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