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This paper reports the results of 16 experimental asset markets that explore the effects of trade transparency on the price formation process and its results using a more realistic design than related studies. The open orderbook does not improve informational efficiency and does not result in...
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We find that option expensiveness, as measured by delta-hedged option returns, is higher for low-ESG stocks, indicating that investors pay a premium in the option market to hedge ESG-related uncertainty. We estimate this ESG premium to be about 0.3% per month. All three components of ESG...
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Variance after-effect is a perceptual bias in the dynamic assessment of variance. Experimental evidence shows that perceived variance is decreased after prolonged exposure to high variance and increased after exposure to low variance. We introduce this effect in an otherwise standard financial...
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This paper develops textual sentiment measures for China's stock market by extracting the textual tone of 60 million messages posted on a major online investor forum in China from 2008 to 2018. We conduct sentiment extraction by using both conventional dictionary methods based on customized word...
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We study the effects of the investment horizon on asset price volatility using a Learning to Forecast experiment. We end that, for short investment horizons, participants coordinate on self-fulfilling trend extrapolating predictions. Price deviations are then reinforced and amplified, possibly...
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The idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) anomaly exhibits strong calendar effects. The negative relation between IVOL and the next month return obtains mainly in the third week of the month. The IVOL-return relation is generally negative on Mondays and positive on Fridays. However, the positive...
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Market prices tend to be significantly more volatile than the dividends they discount. Furthermore, volatility is not stable; it alternates between calm periods and storms of varying duration and intensity. These behaviors are often viewed as market defects or symptoms of the madness of crowds....
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This paper studies the role of generalized disappointment aversion (GDA) in reconciling several asset-pricing puzzles in models of long-run risks. To fully capture the nonlinearities introduced by these preferences, we solve the model globally with projection. This allows us to scrutinize the...
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High idiosyncratic volatility (IV) stocks follow predictable return pattern after exhibiting large ex ante returns: a period of underreaction and low returns is superseded by persistent high returns. This pattern is robust and economically significant: it may be interpreted as informationally...
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Volatility is an important component of asset pricing; an increase in volatility on markets can trigger changes in the risk distribution of financial assets. In conventional financial theory, investors are considered to be rational and any changes in relevant risk are assumed to be a result of...
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