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1.71% per annum. Consistent with theory, we find that the volatility of stocks with longer memory is more predictable …This paper examines long memory volatility in the cross-section of stock returns. We show that long memory volatility … capitalization, book-to-market ratio, prior performance and price jumps. Long memory volatility is negatively priced in the cross …
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. The results indicate that persistence is higher at lower frequencies, for both returns and their volatility. This is true …This paper investigates persistence in financial time series at three different frequencies (daily, weekly and monthly …
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. The results indicate that persistence is higher at lower frequencies, for both returns and their volatility. This is true …This paper investigates persistence in financial time series at three different frequencies (daily, weekly and monthly …
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The three most popular univariate conditional volatility models are the generalized autoregressive conditional … models are important in estimating and forecasting volatility, as well as capturing asymmetry, which is the different effects … on conditional volatility of positive and negative effects of equal magnitude, and leverage, which is the negative …
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The three most popular univariate conditional volatility models are the generalized autoregressive conditional … models are important in estimating and forecasting volatility, as well as in capturing asymmetry, which is the different … effects on conditional volatility of positive and negative effects of equal magnitude, and purportedly in capturing leverage …
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This study explores the benefits of incorporating fat-tailed innovations, asymmetric volatility response, and an … extended information set into crude oil return modeling and forecasting. To this end, we utilize standard volatility models … Stochastic Volatility (SV), along with Mixed Data Sampling (MIDAS) regressions, which enable us to incorporate the impacts of …
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The paper examines the performance of four multivariate volatility models, namely CCC, VARMA-GARCH, DCC and BEKK, for … the optimal portfolio weights of all multivariate volatility models for Brent suggest holding futures in larger … volatility model give the time-varying hedge ratios, and recommend to short in crude oil futures with a high proportion of one …
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volatility for estimating conditional variances and covariances; (2) alternative currencies; and (3) alternative maturities of … Chang et al. [17], we estimate four multivariate volatility models (namely CCC, VARMA-AGARCH, DCC and BEKK), and calculate …
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Several procedures to forecast daily risk measures in cryptocurrency markets have been recently implemented in the literature. Among them, long-memory processes, procedures taking into account the presence of extreme observations, procedures that include more than a single regime, as well as...
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This paper investigates the conditional correlations and volatility spillovers between crude oil returns and stock … empirical results from the VARMA-GARCH and VARMA-AGARCH models provide little evidence of volatility spillovers between the …
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