Showing 1 - 10 of 884
We develop a measure of how information events impact investors' perceptions of risk that is broadly applicable and simple to implement. We derive this measure from an option-pricing model where investors anticipate an announcement that simultaneously conveys information on the announcer's...
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A stream of literature shows that human attention constraints affect asset pricing in predictable ways. When traders are distracted, stock prices tend to initially underreact to earnings news and then gradually incorporate the news over subsequent weeks. In modern markets, however, the majority...
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Firm Profitability - Does it really matter for shareholder return or ROE (return on equity)? Does this question sound oxymoron and antithetic? Not really. On the contrary, evidence has surfaced that Returns on equity - based on the shareholders' equity accounted in the balance sheet - is not...
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Information processing filters out the noise in data but it takes time. Hence, low precision signals are available before high precision signals. We analyze how this feature affects asset price informativeness when investors can acquire signals of increasing precision over time about the payoff...
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ROE of firm is known to revert to its mean level in the future. In this study we will show that speed of mean reversion of ROE depends on historical volatility of ROE from data of Japanese equity. It indicates that (low) volatility of historical ROE is important factor for earnings quality in Japan
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High-frequency trading has become a dominant force in the U.S. capital market, accounting for over 70% of dollar trading volume. This study examines the implication of high-frequency trading for stock price volatility and price discovery. I find that high-frequency trading is positively...
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We extend Jin and Myers’ (2006) model to derive the relation between stock price crash risk and operating leverage (i.e., the fraction of fixed costs in total costs). The model predicts that (i) firms’ operating leverage decreases as stock price crash risk increases, and (ii) the negative...
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This paper provides evidence that demand for equity index options has predictive power for future volatility beyond current, lagged volatility and the VIX in widely available, low-frequency data. The predictive power increases prior to macroeconomic announcements and exhibits a positive relation...
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This paper examines how a firm adjusts its disclosure quality in response to technological innovations that improve investors' private information. We show that more precise private information can endogenously amplify supply shocks and, hence, increase noise-driven (or non-fundamental) price...
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We evaluate the impact of complexity and content of new information on stock return volatility dynamics around 10-K fillings. On average, return volatility increases by 0.4% in the first four weeks after the release of the report, followed by a 2.6% decrease in the subsequent six weeks. This...
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