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The zero-coupon yield curve is a common input for most financial purposes. The authors consider three popular yield curve datasets, and explore the extent to which the decision as to what dataset to use for an application may have implications on the results. The paper illustrates why such...
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alternate equilibrium where traditional Taylor rules give rise to self-fulfilling aggregate volatility and excess risk … generate endogenous volatility in a self-fulfilling manner, propelling the entire economy into crises (booms) characterized by …
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What is the source of interest rate volatility? Why do low interest rates precede business cycle booms? Most observers …
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-to-market ratio of low-volatility stocks minus the book-to-market ratio of high-volatility stocks. PVSt is high when perceived risk …
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I quantify the causal impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on time-varying expected returns. The exogenous timing of macroeconomic announcements provides an instrument for uncertainty. Using daily measures of macroeconomic uncertainty and expected equity market returns, I find announcements...
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price in inflation risk premia. Estimation results strongly suggest that the decline in macroeconomic volatilities might …
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Ljungqvist and Sargent (2017) (LS) show that unemployment fluctuations can be understood in terms of a quantity they call the "fundamental surplus." However, their analysis ignores risk premia, a force that Hall (2017) shows is important in understanding unemployment fluctuations. We show how...
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We analyze the implications of financial openness to macroeconomic volatility in a small open economy. Major … macroeconomic aggregates show non-monotonic volatility patterns with respect to the degree of financial openness in the model … without domestic financial frictions. The introduction of domestic financial frictions makes the volatility patterns flatter …
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Using U.S. data from 1926 to 2015, I show that financial skewness?a measure comparing cross-sectional upside and downside risks of the distribution of stock market returns of financial firms?is a powerful predictor of business cycle fluctuations. I then show that shocks to financial skewness are...
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of housing adjustment. In the time-series dimension, the model accounts for the pro-cyclicality and volatility of housing … following question: what are the consequences for aggregate volatility of an increase in household income and a decrease in down … can explain: (1) 45 percent of the reduction in the volatility of household investment; (2) the decline in the correlation …
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