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We examine the performance of investments made by private credit fund managers into over 440 private companies in 13 Asian countries from 2001 to 2015. We show that the returns to private debt investments are relatively uniform across size, country and industry despite diversity in legal and...
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An vielen Börsen sind heute elektronische Handelssysteme im Einsatz, die nach dem Auktionsprinzip funktionieren. Limitierte Aufträge werden dabei in einem Orderbuch zusammengefaßt, das von den Handelsteilnehmern eingesehen werden kann. In vielen Handelssystemen (darunter Xetra) werden dabei...
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This paper examines how risk in trading activity can affect the volatility of asset prices. We look for this relationship in the behavior of interest rate swap spreads and in the volume and interest rates of repurchase contracts. Specifically, we focus on convergence trading, in which...
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This paper examines how risk in trading activity can affect the volatility of asset prices. We look for this relationship in the behavior of interest rate swap spreads and in the volume and interest rates of repurchase contracts. Specifically, we focus on convergence trading, in which...
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We develop a model of limit order trading in which some traders have better information on future price volatility. As limit orders have option-like features, this information is valuable for limit order traders. We solve for informed and uninformed limit order traders' bidding strategies in...
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Recent literature documents that the issuance of analyst recommendations tends to coincide with important corporate events, but offers mixed evidence on whether such recommendations have added value. In this paper, we use large discontinuous stock price changes, known as jumps, to proxy for...
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Using real estate investment trusts as a unique laboratory, we investigate the impact of investor sentiment on seasoned equity offering (SEO) price dynamics. Evidence indicates that investor sentiment is positively related to pre-SEO overpricing and probability of issuance. SEOs issued in high...
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We compare the stability and timeliness of credit ratings produced by a traditional issuer-paid rating agency (Moody's Investors Service) and a subscriber-paid rater (Rapid Ratings). Moody's ratings exhibit less volatility but are slower to identify default risk. We control for Moody's aversion...
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This research considers the strategies on the initial public offering of company equity at the stock exchanges in the imperfect highly volatile global capital markets with the nonlinearities. We provide the IPO definition and compare the initial listing requirements on the various markets. We...
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We present a new method to measure the intraday relationship between movements of implied volatility smiles and stock index returns. It exploits a specific characteristic of the smile profile in high-frequency data. Using transaction data for EuroStoxx 50 options from 2000 to 2011 and DAX...
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