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We propose a semiparametric multivariate estimator and a multivariate score-type testing procedure under a perturbed multivariate fractional process. The estimator is based on the periodogram and uses a local Whittle criterion function which is generalised by an additional constant to capture...
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We propose exible models for multivariate realized volatility dynamics which involve generalizations of the Box …
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This paper generalises Boswijk and Zu (2018)'s adaptive unit root test for time series with nonstationary volatility to … resulting likelihood ratio test statistic. We find that under suitable conditions, adaptation with respect to the volatility … process is possible, in the sense that nonparametric volatility matrix estimation does not lead to a loss of asymptotic local …
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We propose a multivariate generalization of the multiplicative volatility model of Engle and Rangel (2008), which has a …
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Cholesky multivariate stochastic volatility model.It establishes that systematically different dynamic restrictions are imposed … divergent when volatility clusters idiosyncratically.It is illustrated that this property is important for empirical …
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Cholesky multivariate stochastic volatility model. It establishes that systematically different dynamic restrictions are … divergent when volatility clusters idiosyncratically. It is illustrated that this property is important for empirical … multivariate stochastic volatility model is proposed as a robust alternative. …
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We consider two multivariate long-memory ARCH models, which extend the univariate long-memory ARCH models, we first consider a long-memory extension of the restricted constant conditional correlations (CCC) model introduced by Bollerslev (1990), and we propose a new unrestricted conditional...
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Availability of high frequency data has improved the capability of computing volatility in an efficient way …. Nevertheless, measuring volatility/covariance from the observation of the asset price is challenging for two main reasons: observed … multivariate volatility, with particular focus on using high frequency data. Exploiting the fact that the method allows to compute …
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